Teachers Keep on Teaching – ‘til I Reach my Highest Ground

Forgive me Stevie Wonder for slightly reordering your lyrics, but I think you’d agree that it’s hard to reach your highest ground without the help of teachers. Being a teacher is often a thankless job. Nobody gets rich or famous for being a teacher, yet the contribution teachers make to society is invaluable. So, in …

Voting is Just a Precision and Recall Optimization Problem

It’s hard to avoid the constant bickering about the results of our last election. Should mail-in voting be legal? Do we need stricter voter identification laws? Was there fraud in the last election? Did it impact the results? These are just a fraction of the questions circulating around elections and voter integrity these days. Sadly, …

Twitter Feed

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Hello World!

I’m back!  After a long hiatus from blogging I’ve decided to give it a go again.  I’d like to use this blog as a forum for sharing my thoughts on advanced technologies like speech recognition, audio signal processing, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence.   Additionally I will be covering my theories on how to manage …